Unexpected 500 response code during execution

I’m executing below code and even when there is no check for status getting unexpected 500 status as status.find.in([200, 209], 304), found 500

package collectionApis;

import io.gatling.javaapi.core.*;
import io.gatling.javaapi.http.*;
import requestBodies.CollectionRequestBodies;

import static io.gatling.javaapi.core.CoreDsl.*;
import static io.gatling.javaapi.http.HttpDsl.*;

public class VAPayment extends Simulation {

    private final ScenarioBuilder[] scnList = new ScenarioBuilder[5];

    private int users = 1;
    private HttpProtocolBuilder httpProtocol = http
            .authorizationHeader("Basic QGRNMU46UEAkJFcwckQ=");

    private void scnList() {
        CollectionRequestBodies vapayment = new CollectionRequestBodies();

        for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {

            scnList[i] = scenario("VA Payment " + users + "Users")
                            http("VA Payment " + users + "Users")
            users += 1;
                                scnList[1].injectOpen(nothingFor(15), rampUsers(6).during(3))
                                scnList[2].injectOpen(nothingFor(15), rampUsers(7).during(3))
                                scnList[3].injectOpen(nothingFor(15), rampUsers(8).during(3))
                                scnList[4].injectOpen(nothingFor(15), rampUsers(9).during(3))


So? What is your issue?

  • why you have a check that consider 500 as a failure? => Gatling HTTP protocol reference - checks
  • why you experience 500 status codes? => that’s for you to figure out, that’s a server side failure

Thanks @slandelle for mentioning the implicit checks that gatling does. Actually, we are getting unexpected 500 even though the API response is 200, will have to look at it again.

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