unrecognizable characters in running gatling

The default encoding is UTF-8,my response’s encoding is GBK。
when I recoding with GBK the response’s was unrecognizable characters .
when I recoding with UTF-8 the response’s was normally and when running gatling simulation I print the response that saved in session it’s also to be unrecognizable characters…
That must be something wrong with my config.but I don’t know where is it .Can help me finger it out ? Thx.

Did you trying changing the encoding in gatling.conf?

在 2014年7月8日星期二UTC+8下午1时54分30秒,Stéphane Landelle写道:

Did you trying changing the encoding in gatling.conf?

The default encoding is UTF-8,my response’s encoding is GBK。
when I recoding with GBK the response’s was unrecognizable characters .
when I recoding with UTF-8 the response’s was normally and when running gatling simulation I print the response that saved in session it’s also to be unrecognizable characters…
That must be something wrong with my config.but I don’t know where is it .Can help me finger it out ? Thx.

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Yes,I did that. I changed gatling.conf #encoding = “GBK” and changed recorder.conf #encoding=“GBK” and chose the recoding encoding “GBK” .When recoding my response string also unrecognizable characters . The follow is my response string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>net.sf.json.JSONArray1net.sf.json.JSONObjecttext<tr align='left'><td><a style='color:#0000ff' href='view.jsp?bookId=2'>銆婃?鑳芥祴璇曡繘闃舵寚鍗椻?鈥擫oadRunner 11瀹炴垬銆?浣滆?:闄堥渷</a>&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp<span style='color:red;'>娌℃湁搴撳瓨</span><div>銆婃?鑳芥祴璇曡繘闃舵寚鍗?LoadRunner 11瀹炴垬銆嬫槸涓?湰鍩轰簬HP LoadRunner 11宸ュ叿鐨勬寚瀵肩敤涔︼紝浠庢?鑳芥祴璇曞師鐞嗗埌宸ュ叿浣跨敤鍐嶅埌椤圭洰瀹炴柦锛屽叏闈粙缁嶄簡鎬ц兘娴嬭瘯鐨勫悇涓柟闈紝鍏跺唴瀹瑰熀鏈富绾胯鏄庡涓?#60;B>...</B></div></td></tr>value1

is the comment character!!!

You have to remove it that the line is taken into account!!!

I had removed “#” character and set encoding = “UTF-8” . but the output to console also be unrecognizable characters.


.exec(session => {

println string is:

锟介垾鎿玱adRunner 11鐎圭偞鍨妴锟芥担婊嗭拷:闂勫牓娓?/a>&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp濞屸剝婀佹惔鎾崇摠

鑸靛瘹閸楋拷LoadRunner 11鐎圭偞鍨妴瀣Ц娑擄拷婀伴崺杞扮艾HP LoadRunner 11瀹

I solved the problem with saveAs() and then get value from Session.


println(session(“new”).as[String]) //println out value is normal.
thanks for the response.

So it turns out that Saxon doesn’t support GBK out of the box.

I’ve opened an issue: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/2012

Thanks for reporting.

Done: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/2012
So now Gatling falls back to JDK XPath (less efficient) if Saxon doesn’t support configured encoding.