Unresolved Dependency Verification

Not able to resolve below dependencies when running Gatling using gradle. I have went through ReadMe & bunch of other closed issues.
I can see these jars & poms are available under caches folder -.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\org.scala-sbt.

Command Executed: gradlew GatlingRun

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:compileGatlingScala’.
Dependency verification failed for configuration ‘:detachedConfiguration1’
4 artifacts failed verification:

  • compiler-bridge_2.12-1.3.0-sources.jar (org.scala-sbt:compiler-bridge_2.12:1.3.0) from repository MavenRepo
  • compiler-bridge_2.12-1.3.0.pom (org.scala-sbt:compiler-bridge_2.12:1.3.0) from repository MavenRepo
  • compiler-interface-1.3.0.jar (org.scala-sbt:compiler-interface:1.3.0) from repository MavenRepo
  • compiler-interface-1.3.0.pom (org.scala-sbt:compiler-interface:1.3.0) from repository MavenRepo

Do we need to update any data for these libraries or this compiler bridge jar is not compatible with compiler interface?

Were those dependencies installed in a regular fashion (downloaded by gradle) or did you install them manually and hacked the gradle metadata?

Have you tried upgrading gradle version? There was an issue that was fixed where verification could hide the actual cause.

Does your machine have direct access to the internet and maven central? Or do you have to go through an Enterprise proxy?