using gatling to make soap request with attachement


I use Gatling to make bench mark with the java soap webservice and it works well.

Here is an extract of my simulation:

val scn = scenario(“Call My WebService”)
.during(5 minutes){
http(“Call WebService”)

where xmlbodyLine is a string which contains the soap xml request

But now, I want to make a soap call that contains an attachment to my webservice which consists of joining a zip file like C:\my-home\ to the soap request.

I have read the gatling 2 documentation but I do not know how I can do that.

Have you any idea to help me ?

Thanks a lot

Then you can’t just send a single body, what you need is too send a multipart body.
Use bodyPart instead of body.

Beware that you’ll probably have to change the Content-Type header.




Thanks a lot for your time and your quick replies.

Gatling is great soft for performance testing.


You’re welcome.
Have fun!