What would be structure of multi module galling project using sbt

Hey all,

Just started working on gatling using sbt framework. Anyone, please suggest what would be the structure of the multi-module project. I do understand that, need to add build.sbt under the main project.

Further, I want to have basemodule class to initialize Simulation and then extends this baseclass to other test classes.


Don’t go with sbt if you don’t already have sbt skills, typically if you’re not a Scala developper.
Stick to maven.

Thanks, Stephane. I do understand the lack of SBT skills, but we want to stick with sbt as our future project will be scala based. So just started exploring the sbt , any direction/suggestion would be much helpful.

So far created project structure main project-BaseModule and other modules then in buld.sbt has done like as :

lazy val global = project
  .aggregate (

lazy val BaseModule = project
      libraryDependencies ++= commonDependencies

lazy val DealerPortals = project
      libraryDependencies ++= commonDependencies
      // add other dependencies here if any

Want to execute scenario in DealerPortals but command gatling:test is looking for scenario in BaseClass only, If I use gatling:testOnly DealerPortalClass it says No tests to run for BaseModule / Gatling / testOnly and simulation ends.