Hello everyone. How are you?
I implemented on Scala the token generation during execution in Scala.
However, now I have to use multiple users from a feeder and I need to update their token every 400 seconds. I use the variable “BEARER” inside the array. Maybe there is a better way to approach this problem but I’m a little lost. Because setting BEARER during the execution will update only one token and not the other ones.
Here’s the code:
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.structure.{ChainBuilder, ScenarioBuilder}
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class APP_TEST extends Simulation {
// ------------- VARIABLES ------------- //
val APIM: String = "testkey"
val locale: String = "es-co"
val country: String = "co"
// -------------Token introspection------------ //
var token: String = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
var token1: String = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
var token2: String = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
var token3: String = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
var token4: String = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
var testing = Array(
Map("BEARER" -> token, "cardID" -> "213123", "sub" -> "123456"),
Map("BEARER" -> token1, "cardID" -> "2112310352", "sub" -> "1234567"),
Map("BEARER" -> token2, "cardID" -> "12313312", "sub" -> "12345678"),
Map("BEARER" -> token3, "cardID" -> "1231312", "sub" -> "123456789"),
Map("BEARER" -> token4, "cardID" -> "123123", "sub" -> "12345678910")
// ------------- TEST CONFIG ------------- //
val refreshTokenEverySeconds = 400
var tokenRefreshContinue = true
var tokenRefreshInstant: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.now()
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HEADERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
val httpProtocol = http
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-S901B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"
val header_Stores: Map[String, String] = Map(
val header: Map[String, String] = Map(
"Authorization" -> "#{BEARER}",
"sub" -> "#{sub}")
val headerCategories: Map[String, String] = Map(
"Authorization" -> "#{BEARER}",
val heade2_2: Map[String, String] = Map(
"Authorization" -> "#{BEARER}",
"sub" -> "#{sub}")
// ChainBuilder for creating a new Token
val GeneratenewToken: ChainBuilder =
exec { session =>
val token = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
val newToken1 = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
val newToken2 = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
val newToken3 = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
val newToken4 = new OIDCAuthentication().getAccessToken()
println(s"GeneratedToken 1: $newToken")
println(s"GeneratedToken 2: $newToken1")
println(s"GeneratedToken 3: $newToken2")
println(s"GeneratedToken 4: $newToken3")
println(s"GeneratedToken 5: $newToken4")
.set(testing.map("BEARER"), newToken)
.set(token1, newToken1)
.set(token2, newToken2)
.set(token3, newToken3)
.set(token4, newToken4)
// Now inserting the ChainBuilder into the the Scenario Builder
val scnStartTokenSession: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("GET_MY_TOKEN")
// Refreshing Token during session
val scnRefreshToken: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("REFRESH_TOKEN")
.asLongAs(session => tokenRefreshContinue.equals(true)) {
.doIf(session =>
) {
exec(session => {
tokenRefreshInstant = LocalDateTime.now()
// Scenario for aborting the token
val scnTokenAbort: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("TOKEN_ABORT")
.exec { session => {
tokenRefreshContinue = false;
// ***************************************
// *** Scenario with Normal Requests ***
// ***************************************
val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("APP_TEST")
... my requests
// --------------------------------
.inject(rampConcurrentUsers(0).to(500).during(1750), constantConcurrentUsers(500).during(50)
// --------------------------------