Token Refresh - Java - Example

I see that lot of people asking about solution to refresh Token when expired.
I have prepared Case0022SetOrRefreshTokenSimulation where Token is refreshed every some period of time.

What you think about this solution @slandelle @sbrevet ?

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Hi @GeMi,

Thanks for this code suggestion! :heart:

Here my comments:

  • Create a pull request: it is easier to comment and discuss about code there.
  • I think it needs a disclaimer that is for a single load generator (in Gatling Enterprise, you can launch a single run with multiple load generators, but global variables are trickier to manage)
  • I’m on two minds about the scnForSetOrRefreshToken:
    Perhaps a scenario with a single user that loops with a pause?
    • In one hand, your code doesn’t need to have a max duration
    • In the other, it’s complicated to pre-compute the amount of requests this way
  • A small comment next to nothingFor(2) : “waiting for the first credentials”


  • Avoid string injection in the URL by using queryParam (personal taste)


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Hi @sbrevet,
Thank you for your valuable suggestions :hearts:
I have make huge changes in code including your suggerstions :slight_smile:
If it is possible please check my PR → Case0022SetOrRefreshTokenSimulation in new version by gemiusz · Pull Request #17 · gemiusz/gatling-examples-maven-java · GitHub

In few words what it’s going in Simulation now:

  • I changed injection profile to have dependencies on necessary steps: first get token → token refresh loop AND Core Scenario → after finish my simulation “shut down” token refresh loop.
  • Simulation time = time of getting first token + Core Scenario time + 1 second (shut down token refresh loop)
  • Don’t need set any tricky counters etc.
  • Set queryParam :smiling_face:
  • Silent request for token - that was from beginning but I want to mention about that here


Hi @GeMi,

Nice improvements!


@sbrevet thank you for review and comments in PR.
I will look closely at them at Sunday afternoon because I’m at trip :slight_smile:


Hi @GeMi Is it possible to provide the solution in Scala as well? Thank you in advance!

Sorry but not.
I’m not familiar with Scala.

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