val jndiBasedConnectionFactory = jmsJndiConnectionFactory
.credentials(“admin”, “admin”)
val jmsConfig = jms
val feeder = MessagesFeeder.feedMessages().map(message => Map(“message” → message)).queue
val scn = scenario(“All at once messages”).feed(feeder).
exec(jms(“Send message”).send
Can’t say of much of an issue this is for regular JMS implementations.
We’ve run tests with modern ActiveMQ and Artemis on our side, and some users use IBM MQ and every time throughput was excellent.
We do not seem to have a way to specify multiple connections using JMS protocol, Is there a workaround to spawn multiple connections?
using constantUsersPerSec or rampUpUsersPerSec all are just adding a few random sessions to a single connection, but we are not able to get multiple connections established using any of the methods.