Errors after test is done

What is causing gatling to throw the following errors just when all test are done executing?

Simulation finished
15:46:21.474 [Thread-3][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.478 [Thread-4][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.478 [Thread-5][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.479 [Thread-6][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.479 [Thread-7][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.479 [Thread-8][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.480 [Thread-9][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.480 [Thread-10][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.480 [Thread-11][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
15:46:21.480 [Thread-12][ERROR][JmsReqReplyAction.scala:71] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException
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Can you reproduce with Gatling 2.2?

I now know it is .listenerCount(10) in jms config that is causing this exception. If i change to 2 listners i get two exceptions etc.

I want to upgrade to 2.2 but running into this issue has caused me to stay with 2.1.7 unfortunatly.

[INFO] — gatling-maven-plugin:2.2.0:execute (default) @ vehicle-utilization-load-tests —
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook
Error: Could not find or load main class Files\apache-maven-3.3.9.bin.m2.conf

But there isn’t a JmsReqReplyAction in Gatling 2.2!
The error message you get comes from Gatling 2.1.
With Gatling 2.2, you should get a similar message and I guess it can just be ignored.

Ok the problem I have with 2.2 is not related to this message.

When trying to upgrade gatling maven plugin gives the following error.

[INFO] — gatling-maven-plugin:2.2.0:execute (default) @ vehicle-utilization-load-tests —
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook
Error: Could not find or load main class Files\apache-maven-3.3.9.bin.m2.conf



No not Jenkins

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook is not something that comes from Gatling nor from maven.
It looks like it’s something that came from installing IBM QTP:

JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS is not what is causing the problem. If i run with gatling 1.1.7 all is well but when i upgrade to 2.2.1 things stop working.

This is the relevant part of my pom file:

default true load-tests org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin post-integration-test run io.gatling gatling-maven-plugin ${gatling-plugin.version} integration-test execute simulations.Load1 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin true maven-failsafe-plugin integration-test integration-test verify verify net.alchim31.maven scala-maven-plugin ${scala-maven-plugin.version} incremental -deprecation -explaintypes -target:jvm-1.8 add-source compile testCompile ${scala.compat.version} ${scala.version}