Exclude data from one specific scenario in simulation.log


I have a Gatling performance test with 3 scenario’s.
1 scenario is mainly created to put background noise, so I’m not interested in the stats for that scenario.
For the other scenario’s I’m interested in the statistics.

Is it possible to exclude 1 scenario from writing to simulation.log?
Because the traffic is quite high (5000TPS) so simulation.log is growing fast without the need of using this data, so I’d like to prevent this from being added to simulation.log and to the report.

I know that it’s possible not to write to simulation.log at all by modifying the property “data.writers”, but that won’t solve this issue.




I’m not able to edit the post, but we’re using Gatling 3.3.1 for this performance test.
Is there an easy solution for this?

You can try using silent:

Then, if log file size is an issue for you because you run tests with a high throughput, FrontLine uses a different stats engine and is specially designed for this kind of use case.

Hi Stephane,

Thanks for your reply!
This looks like a very good solution, I missed that one during my search.
Although we’re using a custom Kafka protocol (a deviation from https://github.com/mnogu/gatling-kafka), so the silent won’t workin that case.
Could you give me some heads up on how to implement this silent-feature also on other protocols?


Sorry, that would be a question for this plugin’s author.
You have to reach out to him on his own bug tracker, our mailing list is only for official components.

So that means that the silent feature is only implemented for the HTTP-protocol and isn’t generic available for other Protocols like the JMSProtocol etc?

Absolutely. As you can see in the links I provided, silent is a method defined on HTTP protocol and HTTP requests. There’s no way to make it generic, this is purely protocol implementation specific.