I try to use a feeder with the escaping character ‘#’, as the example on the wiki.
So, i have this declaration on my scenario :
val partnerInfosFeeder = csv(“configTestPerf_12_sites_RSP_Qualif.csv”,‘#’)
Unfortunately, this causes on this line the follow compilation error :
overloaded method value csv with alternatives:
(fileName: String,rawSplit: Boolean)io.gatling.core.feeder.RecordSeqFeederBuilder[String]
(file: scala.reflect.io.File,rawSplit: Boolean)io.gatling.core.feeder.RecordSeqFeederBuilder[String]
cannot be applied to (String, Char)
I have this error with 2 snapshost of gatling 2.0…snapshot of 2014/06/10 and 2014/07/03.
I don’t understand why compilation expects a boolean instead of char ?
Something wrong in my declaration ? Does the API change ?
So, what is the correct use to set a different escaping character from comma, semicolon or tabulation ?
Thanks for your help.