Hi there,
I’m having a sporadic issue with Gatling hanging at the end of a test run. I’m executing http requests with 25 users continuously for 10 minutes and at the end of the cycle it just hangs before it starts to generate the report. It seems to be happening about 2 in 3 times. It doesn’t seem to be the same issue as https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/gatling/imrKgB0z-54. The only thing the log gives away is the not all scenarios are marked as ended.
Any ideas?
Hi Pete,
What version of Gatling do you use?
Did you have any kind of failures logged in the console while running?
2012/5/4 Pete Capra <petey.caps@gmail.com>
I'm using 1.1.4. There are a couple of status code checks for 200 that
fail, but are expected to. But only about 18/30,000 or so..
There might be 2 explanations:
2012/5/4 Pete Capra <petey.caps@gmail.com>
Thanks for your help. I'll try both options and get back to you.
Forget about my message and wait for 3.4.4 that should be out very soon: regression issue!
2012/5/6 Stéphane Landelle <slandelle@excilys.com>
Hi Pete,
I’d like to investigate these message loss. Did Grizzly solve the problem for you?
2012/5/6 Stéphane Landelle <slandelle@excilys.com>
Hi Stephane,
I haven't had the opportunity to swap it over yet. I did upgrade to
1.1.6 and a 48 hour test with 1000 users and didn't experience the
issue though. It ran out of memory shortly after starting to compile
the reports - the simulation.log was 7GB! The issue had been occurring
before that point so I took it that the issue was fixed in the newest
version of Netty.
Hi Pete,
Thanks for feedback.
Regarding reports generation, I hadn’t expected someone to run such a intensive simulation. Wow!
Do you think you could have a way to upload your simulation.log somewhere so I can try to optimize the reports generation?
2012/5/17 Pete Capra <petey.caps@gmail.com>