Gatling Jenkins Plugin and SBT

No, you can use whatever tool you want to run Gatling with the Jenkins plugin, as long as it produces a report somewhere in your job workspace.

Thanks Pierre,

The tests are running however all the tests are running even when I have: ‘testOnly bbc.sample.SampleTest’ in the build sbt Actions box!!! The sbt ‘test’ command seems to override ‘testOnly’. Is my configuration incorrect?

Many Thanks


Can you post your build console output please ?
Gist or anything like that is fine :slight_smile:

Hi Pierre,

The problem I believe to be with the SBT Jenkins plugin or my configuration. It may be worth posting it here in the event that other Gatling users may experience it.


  1. Installed Jenkins SBTplugin
  2. Downloaded the sbt-launch.jar to ~/bin
  3. Configured the job to use the sbt-launch.jar and build using sbt. Added ‘testOnly bbc.sample.SampleTest’ to ‘Actions’

Console output includes this ‘java -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -jar /var/jenkins_home/tools/org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.SbtPluginBuilder_SbtInstallation/sbt-launch.jar/bin/sbt-launch.jar testOnly bbc.sample.SampleTest’, but runs all the tests in src.

Maybe others are running sbt in Jenkins through the terminal emulator interface?

Many Thanks


Honestly, I have way more trust in official SBT launch scripts or Paul Philips runners.
Just saying… :slight_smile:
Your command seems fine.
Could you please share your build output ? My email address is



Hi Pierre,

I had to wrap the sbt command in quotes “testOnly bbc.sample.SampleTest” even though the information on the Jenkins SBT site tells me otherwise I think it is about time to look into the Paul Philips runner.

Many Thanks


Ahhh… indeed.
My bad, I didn’t notice it.
In that case, you need to wrap it with quotes since testOnly xxx is a single task.
In the plugin documentation, clean, update, compile… are all separate tasks.
testOnly is a task which takes an argument. See the difference ?

You’ll have exactly the same issue with Paul Philips’s runner though.
Still, it is a reliable and well-known runner.
I’ve been using it for months without any issues.