Get bearer tokens for k users, then make n concurrent requests with them


I have k test users, I want to use for a load test scenario. To access the application under test, a bearer token must first be acquired from a provider. I do not want to bombard the provider with requests over and over.

I tried the following in Java to retrieve a token, if a user does not yet have one.

  doIf(session -> needsToken(session.get("user")))
                            .formParamMap(session -> body(session.get("user")))
                            .check(jsonPath("$.id_token").transformWithSession((token, session) -> {
                                if(token ==null || token.isBlank())
                                    return false;

                                else if(session.get("user") instanceof User user){
                                    return true;

                                else return false;

That plan however does not work. It still makes many requests to the authority provider.

The User class

public class User {
    private String username;
    private String password;

    private transient AtomicReference<String> idToken = new AtomicReference<>("");

Any help appreciated.

Hi @StefanFischer,

Did you have a look at @GeMi proposal?

I think your use cases are close to each other.


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