Highvharts issue on seeing report

Hi all,

I just ran a scenario with the today snapshot.

The report was generated but i can’t see graphs and indicators managed with highcharts on the report.

On console, i have www.highcharts.com/errors/19

Any help ?

the link to the report :



This is a first o_0


As I said, this is a first.

The javascript component that crashed is the radial chart that displays the counts per request name.
You have about 1600 different names.

Fixed, thanks for reporting: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1757


CDT stands for Central Daylight Time, and it’s UTC-5.
France is currently UTC+1.

10AM CTD + 6 = 4PM in France = one hour ago

Ok you get me :wink:

I will remember for the next time !

Thanks for this quick fix at the “gatling” style.

Have a nice week end

Ok you get me :wink:

I will remember for the next time !

Beware, friday is troll day! :wink:

Thanks for this quick fix at the "gatling" style.

Have a nice week end

You're welcome, you too