How can i resolve this error build

Compilation failed: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Could not execute process ‘mvnw’: program not found. $PATH is ‘/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin’

Hello Sylvian,

Can you specify a bit more information, are you using Enterprise Cloud or the On-Prem version?

If on premise can you provide your Gatling and Gatling Enterprise versions?

Could you please share your pom.xml and the build option you’ve selected in your Simulation config?

This is a similar issue and the issue was a PATH was missing a config file.

All the best,

Please @GatlingPete where can i check missing config file ?

Hi @Sylvain,

As this topic is in Gatling Enterprise section, I guess this is about self hosted in the simulation configuration when you try to configure how to build it.

Did you try with ./mvnw? Usually, mvnw point to the maven wrapper. For instance the one in the root directory of our demo. And this is not globally installed.
On the other hand, you may want to use the installed version: go with mvn (without the leading “w”).

In the rare case you installed a maven wrapper distribution on your injector, you will need to add the directory to the PATH environment variable.

Does that help?

it is On-prem Version, Gatling version : 3.9.5 , Gatling enterprise 1.18.5


    <!-- use the following if you're compiling with JDK 8-->
    <!-- <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source>-->
    <!-- <>1.8</>-->
    <!-- comment the 2 lines above and uncomment the line bellow if you're compiling with JDK 11 or 17 -->


          <!-- Enterprise Cloud ( configuration reference: -->
          <!-- Enterprise Self-Hosted configuration reference: -->

Hello Sylvian,

We’re working on the Enterprise Support Portal on this issue with you I believe :slight_smile:

When that’s the case we prefer to centralize there to avoid confusion.

We’ll close this and continue there.

All the best,

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