Hello Community, im new to both kotlin and java ecosystem. we have an kotlin project for our rest api and we thought to use gatling for performance testing. to simplify our cicd process we decided to add the gatling project within our existing project. but im not sure how to do that exactly or whats the best practice.
Storing the tests and the application in the same repository is often a good practice.
Then, mixing them in the same (gradle?) project really isn’t, it’s the best way to end up with dependencies conflicts.
Regarding CI, don’t intend to run the application and the tests on the same machine, the performance results would be meaningless.
@slandelle thank you for the response. how can i add the gatling project without causing dependency conflicts.
Sorry, but that’s a gradle question, not a Gatling one.
You should try asking it on StackOverflow where gradle users could help you.
Okay, thank you for the quick response.