is there a way to set rps in throttle as a fraction


is there a way to set rps in throttle as a fraction like below

rampUsersPerSec(1).to(30).during(120 seconds)).throttle(reachRps(0.5) in (10 second), holdFor(duration minutes)),

i need to run a particular scenarion only 0.5 requests per second, how do i run it?

Please help me with this


Basically, what i am asking for is

package io.gatling.core.controller.throttle
final case class Reach(val target : scala.Int, val duration : scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration) extends scala.AnyRef with io.gatling.core.controller.throttle.ThrottleStep with scala.Product with scala.Serializable {
  override val durationInSec : scala.Long = { /* compiled code */ }
  override def target(previousLastValue : scala.Int) : scala.Int = { /* compiled code */ }
  override def rps(time : scala.Long, previousLastValue : scala.Int) : scala.Int = { /* compiled code */ }

can we make target and rps as double? so that we can define custom scenarios as mentioned below

rampUsersPerSec(1).to(30).during(120 seconds)).throttle(reachRps(0.5) in (10 second), holdFor(duration minutes)),


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Hi, did you succeed in setting the rps in throttle as a fraction? Regards, lennaert

I think that in thread
you have solution for your case.