j.n.ConnectException: connection timed out: and j.u.c.TimeoutException: Request timeout to not-connected after 60000ms

I am trying with following configuration to send 500 requests per second ( 2 requests in scenario). But getting gatling warnings as shown below. Looked at the tomcat(where application hosted, on another server) log for any errors but I did not find any. How can I come to know that it is an application issue or gatling setup issue?

I am new to gatling. can you please help me in understanding this warning

  constantUsersPerSec(250) during(1 hour)

18:21:28.148 [WARN ] i.g.h.a.ResponseProcessor - Request '<xyz>' failed: j.n.ConnectException: connection timed out: /<IP>:<PORT>
18:21:28.148 [WARN ] i.g.h.a.ResponseProcessor - Request '<xyz>' failed: j.u.c.TimeoutException: Request timeout to not-connected after 60000ms
