Latency for WS messages


I want to get latency between WS messages, I found it possible to add several checks with the Name, now I want to create a function that allows adding N checks for the object returned from sendText

Now, I have this

class Websocket extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol: HttpProtocolBuilder = http.baseUrl(“”)

val scene = scenario(“WS”)


I tried to put WsSendTextFrameBuilder object to the session and retrieve it in repeat function, but I get such an error

type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: io.gatling.commons.validation.Validation[io.gatling.core.session.Session]
exec(session=> println(session(“ws-send-awaiter”).as[String]))

class Websocket extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol: HttpProtocolBuilder = http.baseUrl(“”)

val scene = scenario(“WS”)
.onConnected(exec(session => session.set(“ws-send-awaiter”, ws(“Topic”)
.repeat(10,“i”) {
exec(session=> session(“ws-send-awaiter”).as[].await(10)(ws.checkTextMessage(“result”)))


Could you help me please

I’ve resolved an issue with “type mismatch”. Now I’m interesting why there are no “result” requests in Gatling report

пятница, 19 марта 2021 г. в 10:39:14 UTC+2, Vladyslav Lutsenko: