[Need Help] Strange behavior of WebSocket checks


I’m testing a websocket service, the scenario should be:

  • Each client keeps the connection open and sends 1 message with a random unique sequence number every 10 seconds.
  • Server returns the seq in response body.
  • Client should only accept the message with the same seq.

I also want to print the seq for failed requests.
Here’s my code:

public class WebsocketTest extends Simulation {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebsocketTest.class);

    // ...

    HttpProtocolBuilder httpConf = http

    ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("WebSocket")
        .exec(ws("Connect WS").connect(path))
            pause(sendIntervalMin, sendIntervalMax)
                .exec(session -> {
                    String nanoTime = String.valueOf(System.nanoTime());
                    return session.set("seq", System.currentTimeMillis() + nanoTime.substring(nanoTime.length() - 5));
                .exec(ws("Send text")
                        ws.checkTextMessage("Check response code")
                    exec(session -> {
                            log.error("Failed request seq: {} ; Return seq: {} ; Return code: {} ; session: {}",

                            return session.reset();
        ).exec(ws("Close WS").close());

    public WebsocketTest() {

But the result is so confusing. In this pic, validation is passed, but an error msg is still logged.
So Session::isFailed returns true?

And here looks like thread gatling-1-2 consumes gatling-1-3’s msg, then gatling-1-3 has to wait for nothing until timeout and fails the request.


  • Gradle 7.5 w/ Gatling plugin
  • JDK 11
  • macOS 12.1

Session is immutable: Gatling - Session API.

Thank you slandelle. The 1st problem is solved, but the 2nd one still here.

New code:

.exec(session -> {
    Session newSession = session.markAsSucceeded();
    String nanoTime = String.valueOf(System.nanoTime());
    return newSession.set("seq", System.currentTimeMillis() + nanoTime.substring(nanoTime.length() - 5));

I got 12 out of 3500 requests being mistakenly treated as non-matching:

2022-08-18 21:51:01                                         121s elapsed
---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Global                                                   (OK=8388   KO=12    )
> Connect WS                                               (OK=700    KO=0     )
> Send text                                                (OK=3500   KO=0     )
> Check response code                                      (OK=3488   KO=12    )
> Close WS                                                 (OK=700    KO=0     )
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check Check response code timeout                                  12 (100.0%)

---- WebSocket -----------------------------------------------------------------
          waiting: 0      / active: 0      / done: 700   

Your matchJsonPath (missing from your sample) is likely wrong.


Note that saveAs here won’t work (in matching).

matchJsonPath is using the default value and unchanged during the test.
If the jsonpath is wrong, all requests should fail.

String matchJsonPath = System.getProperty("matchJsonPath", "$.body.seq");

The response body is fixed (except client seq($.body.seq), server seq($.seq) and timestamp), so $.body.seq is always available.

{"body":{"code":10001,"desc": "UNSUPPORT PROTOCOL","ptype":"UNRECOGNIZED","seq":166083059168627347},"ptype":"ACK","seq":1660830593473,"timestamp":1660830593474,  "ver":"1.0.0"}

Under higher concurrency, more and more responses seemed to fail to match the “seq” attribute in Session?

session.set(“seq”, System.currentTimeMillis() + nanoTime.substring(nanoTime.length() - 5));

“seq” is a String here.


And here you’re comparing a long and a String, so it’s bound to fail.

Then, if you face an issue, please provide a reproducer as instructed here: How to Ask a Question.

And here you’re comparing a long and a String, so it’s bound to fail.

I found out the root cause, nothing to do with test code or gatling.
There was a bug in our server code, in some circumstances, server sends msg to a wrong channel.