I am currently using gatling 2.3 and migration to 3.3
I have an old project, I migrating most of the non-backward compatible code, but I have a problem with migrating web sockets
This is my old web socket code:
val approvalProcess = exec(ws("Connect WS").connect(wsbaseurl + "/updates/websocket"))
.exec(ws("Connect STOMP").sendText(connect))
.exec(http("Approval process resources")
.get("/catalogs/" + catalogId + "/process/approval/trigger.json")
.exec(http("Approval process trigger")
.post("/catalogs/" + catalogId + "/process/approval/trigger.json")
http("Approval process resources")
http("Approval process resources")
.exec(ws("Approval process").check(wsAwait.within(wsTimeoutFiniteDuration).until(1).regex("""(?s).*Approval process for catalog """ + catalogName + """ completed(?s).*""").saveAs("amessagetitle")))
I am unable to migrate the last red line to the new web socket convention, can anyone help me to migrate it ?