websocket's wsAvait.within().until() migration 2.3 -> 3.3 missing

Hi Team

I am trying to migrate the following code from gatling 2.3 to 3.+.+
Unfortunately it seems that the newer version is missing the wsAvait “methods” when checking websockets. Namely within and until.
There is nothing in the migration guide regarding this…https://gatling.io/docs/current/migration_guides/2.3-to-3.0

Is there a way to run a check in gatling 3.3.1 against the number of websocket messages is in 2.3.1.
It seems like feature loss…

Gatling 2.3.1
.check( wsAwait.within( new FiniteDuration( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) )
.until( numberOfExpectedInstances )
.regex( dataRetrieveRegex ).saveAs( sinkPipelineKey ) ) )

Galting 3.3.1
val mycheck = ws.checkTextMessage(“checkName”)
.check(regex( dataRetrieveRegex ).saveAs( sinkPipelineKey ) ) // howto add within and until methods??

Thank you for the help