using gatling for a test by level


I have the following simulation :

here is an extract of code

val scn = scenario(“call WebService”)
.during(15 minutes){
http(“call WebService”)

setUp(scn.inject(ramp(60 users) over (180 seconds))).protocols(httpProtocol)

Therefore, I have a ramp up with 60 virtual users over 180 seconds and when this ramp up finishes, I will have 60 virtual users connect simultaneously to my webservice over 15 minutes

How can I do in the extract of my code above if I want to chain up immediately with a ramp up of 30 virtual users over 90 seconds in order that to have a total of 90 virtual users to connect simultaneously to my webservice over 15 minutes ?

Thanks a lot


What do you mean by “immediately”? When the first ramp is finished, you start the second one?
In that case, just do that:

setUp(scn.inject(ramp(60 users) over (180 seconds),ramp(30 users) over (90 seconds))).protocols(httpProtocol)


Hi Nicolas,


Exactly what I want

Thanks a lot
