new api inject gatling 2


I am new to Gatling world

I have used LoadRunner for my bench mark tests but I want to experience Gatling

So I want to simulate 50 Virtual Users to request simultaneity my Webservice application during 15 minutes

Therefore, I want to start 1 virtual user every 3 seconds and when 50 virtual users all start, I want 50 virtual users work simultaneity for 15 minutes

I have tried to use the new inject API for gatling 2 bercause I use Gatling2

Precisely, I have tried to make combinaisons of New Inject API examples ( But it does not work

Can you help me ?



Are you using Gatling 2.0M3a ?
What are the errors you get ?



I use gatling-2.0.0-M3

And in the program for testing my webservice, I have tried to experience the following cases

setUp(scn.inject(atOnce(1 user))).protocols(httpConf)

setUp(scn.inject(constantRate(1 usersPerSec) during (10 minutes))).protocols(httpConf)


setUp(scn.inject(rampRate(1 usersPerSec) to(10 usersPerSec) during(10 minutes))).protocols(httpConf)

all work well

but when I want to make the similarity code for starting 1 virtual user every 3 seconds and when 50 virtual users all start, I want 50 virtual users work simultaneity for 15 minutes

I do not know how to make it with the new gatling 2 api

Do you have any idea ?



What about doing something like this :

setUp(ramp(50 users) over (150 seconds))

and then, in your simulation, having it wrapped in :

during(15 minutes) {


Would that do it ?

Hi Nicolas

I use your advice and my program compiles and it works well

Thanks a lot
