New injector regions

Hello fellow testers,

We’re coming with very interesting news for you as Gatling horizons are expanding again. May marked the establishment of São Polo as our first South American injector region, and July will become a new milestone in that timeline. We’re proud to announce that we just opened our very first Asian injector region in Mumbai, India! :rocket:

With this new addition to our line-up, we are now able to help you simulate users from 6 regions all around the world, including:

US East (N. Virginia) :us:

US West (N. California) :us:

Europe (Paris) :fr:

Oceania (Sydney) :australia:

South America (São Paulo) :brazil:

Asia (Mumbai) :india:

If you’re looking for our solutions, you’ll find everything you need on our Enterprise page.

Have a great rest of your testing day! :sunglasses:

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Hello Gatling Community,

New week, new update! We’re pleased to announce our Ops team has released two new injector regions this morning:

US West (Oregon ) :us:

Europe (Dublin) :ireland:

Which gives us a total of 8 regions now.

See you soon :rocket:

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