RC5 Gatling.conf


Below implementation is for cross result analysis?

jdbc {
db {
#url = “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/temp” # The JDBC URL used by the JDBC DataWriter
#username = “root” # The database user used by the JDBC DataWriter
#password = “123123q” # The password for the specified user
#bufferSize = 20 # The size for each batch of SQL inserts to send to the database
create {
#createRunRecordTable = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RunRecords ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , runDate DATETIME NULL , simulationId VARCHAR(45) NULL , runDescription VARCHAR(45) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) )”
#createRequestRecordTable = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RequestRecords (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runId int DEFAULT NULL, scenario varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, userId VARCHAR(20) NULL, name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, requestStartDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, requestEndDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, responseStartDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, responseEndDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, status varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, message varchar(4500) DEFAULT NULL, responseTime bigint DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )”
#createScenarioRecordTable = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ScenarioRecords (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runId int DEFAULT NULL, scenarioName varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, userId VARCHAR(20) NULL, event varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, startDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, endDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )”
#createGroupRecordTable = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GroupRecords (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runId int DEFAULT NULL, scenarioName varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, userId VARCHAR(20) NULL, entryDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, exitDate bigint DEFAULT NULL, status varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )”
insert {
#insertRunRecord = “INSERT INTO RunRecords (runDate, simulationId, runDescription) VALUES (?,?,?)”
#insertRequestRecord = “INSERT INTO RequestRecords (runId, scenario, userId, name, requestStartDate, requestEndDate, responseStartDate, responseEndDate, status, message, responseTime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)”
#insertScenarioRecord = “INSERT INTO ScenarioRecords (runId, scenarioName, userId, event, startDate, endDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)”
#insertGroupRecord = “INSERT INTO GroupRecords (runId, scenarioName, userId, entryDate, exitDate, status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)”

It’s for people wanting to store Gatling results in a database and then build their own reports.
It was an external contribution.

Oh thats great. Thank you.