Reporting doesn't show Active users properly

I’m using gatling 2.2.3 and I simulate the following activity:

NothingForInjection(5 minutes),
RampInjection(10, 60 seconds),
NothingForInjection(5 minutes),
RampInjection(10, 60 seconds),
NothingForInjection(5 minutes),
RampInjection(10, 60 seconds),
NothingForInjection(5 minutes),
RampInjection(10, 60 seconds),
NothingForInjection(5 minutes),
RampInjection(10, 60 seconds)

When I look at the gatling reporting, I suspect a problem.
The representation of the active users and the request seem not to be coherent.

For me, the active users line must follow the request line. Am I wrong ??

You will find the simulation.log file and a screenshot of the report in attached file.

Thanks for you help.

simulation.log (2.1 MB)


I had the same problem. While my test was clearly working fine and sending requests until the end, and the standard output log showed there were active users all the time, the report I generated didn’t show them.

First picture is report generated with 2.2.3:

Then I generated a report of the same simulation.log with 2.2.2, which looks way better:

So looks like going back to 2.2.2 is a workaround to your problem.