I have a problem with changing the default request timeout in Gatling 2. I’ve added the gatling.conf file to src/test/resources/ of my sbt project. It has the following content (all default times multiplied by 100):
gatling {
ahc {
http {
connectionTimeout = 6000000
idleConnectionInPoolTimeoutInMs = 6000000
idleConnectionTimeoutInMs = 6000000
requestTimeoutInMs = 6000000
webSocketIdleTimeoutInMs = 6000000
Unfortunately it does not work as expected. I am getting the following error:
23:21:40.236 [GatlingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] DEBUG io.gatling.http.ahc.AsyncHandler - Request ‘Check’ failed for user 2763081096883357007-233
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request timed out to /xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080 of 60000 ms
I use gatling-sbt for running loadtests.
Do you have any idea why it does not work?
It looks like your config file is incorrect, and the value you set aren’t picked up.
Your config file should like this :
gatling {
http {
ahc {
connectionTimeout = 6000000
idleConnectionInPoolTimeoutInMs = 6000000
idleConnectionTimeoutInMs = 6000000
requestTimeoutInMs = 6000000
webSocketIdleTimeoutInMs = 6000000
Note that the ahc { … } block is not inside the http { … } block.
Please note that I’ve added a task in the plugin that allows you to copy commented config files from the bundle if you add the bundle as a dependency.
The README has been updated with the necessary instructions to add the bundle to your dependencies.
As I currently publish the plugin manually, this isn’t yet available in the version published to Sonatype, I’ll publish it manually tomorrow morning.
It was a really stupid error. 
W dniu poniedziałek, 23 czerwca 2014 00:42:18 UTC+2 użytkownik Pierre DAL-PRA napisał: