Requisition for information - Gatling Usage


I’m new user for GATLING, trying to learn the tool usage. I’m seeing following erros when trying using Gatling 2.0.0-M2.
Could you please clarify these.

Gatling Version : 2.0.0-M2
OS : MAC Darwin
Logback Trace Level : Warning

  1. Following error shown on trying to run basic.BasicExampleSimulation/advanced.AdvancedExampleSimulation.
    2014-06-27 15:01:56 WARN [New I/O worker #10] i.g.r.h.h.BrowserHttpsRequestHandler [BrowserHttpsRequestHandler.scala:39] Trying to connect to, make sure you’ve accepted the recorder certificate for this site
    -06-27 15:01:56 ERROR [New I/O worker #10] i.g.r.h.h.BrowserHttpsRequestHandler [AbstractBrowserRequestHandler.scala:61] Exception caught Broken pipe
    at Method) ~[na:1.7.0_55]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_55]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_55]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_55]

2014-06-27 16:18:15 INFO [] i.g.h.a.HttpRequestAction [HttpRequestAction.scala:86] Sending request ‘request_1’: scenario ‘Scenario name’, userId #0
2014-06-27 16:18:15 WARN [] i.g.h.a.GatlingAsyncHandlerActor [GatlingAsyncHandlerActor.scala:146] Request ‘request_1’ failed : status().is(302) didn’t match: expected 302 but found 503

Is this failure due to problem in Test site specified in BasicExampleSimulation. Please could you advise ?

  1. No Actions recorded using

I have configured firefox proxy settings to localhost 9000, 9001 for http, https respectively and same ports configured in
however when I launch firefox browser and navigate to one of the site in intranet, not seeing any actions being recorded.
I’m not seeing any errors in console as well.

Could you please advise how to make progress, for the 2nd one.

  1. Recording actions when accessing external website from outside corporate proxy server

I could not understand even after going through Gatling documentation about Recorder, proxy configuration (

if i set proxy server in firefox to localhost with http, https ports as 9000, 9001, external sites will not be accessible.
Due to this will not be able to record site navigation.
kindly advise what should be the approach.

Thanks & Regards,

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