Scenario with 2 and different protocols

Gatling version: 3.13.1
Gatling flavor: [ x] java kotlin scala javascript typescript
Gatling build tool: [x ] maven gradle sbt bundle npm

My use case is like this:
I need to load test a system that receives HTTP POST requests, does some processing and then sends a message to a Kafka topic. So the scenario will need to inject data into the HTTP endpoint, and then read the results by consuming from a Kafka topic, matching these results using a UUID in the message.
Is it possible to do this?
I’ve been experimenting with two different plugins:

  • io.github.amerousful.gatling-kafka: this one has a consumeOnly() mode that could be useful for my requirements, but it’s only compatible with Gatling 3.9, where things seem to be quite different.
  • org.galaxio.gatling-kafka-plugin_2.13 v0.14.0: this one seems to be more up to date, but it has zero documentation apart from some basic examples and an entry in Gatling’s blog, both are not very useful for my case.

On all the different tests I tried, the results are only for the HTTP part of the tests, I’ve never seen any attempt to consume (or even produce) from Kafka, even with the logs set to debug mode.

I’ll appreciate any clues or pointer to examples on how this or something similar can be done.

I suggest you to reach the github and ask them over there by raising a ticket

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