First thanks for your product that seems really promising from what I read about it.
I am starting to look at Gatling coming from a JMeter background and have some questions to which maybe you can answer:
- In JMeter, when you want to debug a scenario you are writing (for correlation for example, you want the N-X response bodies to see where the data comes from and how it looks), for all these I use View Results Tree and Regexp Tester to test the regular expressions I use, what is the equivalent in Gatling, it seems there is nothing as it has no GUI. What is the best way to do that in Gatling Approach ? More globally how do you debug a script in Gatling ?
- Reading Gatling 2 release notes, I saw this:
- https://github.com/excilys/gatling/wiki/Gatling-2 => In Gatling 1, connections are shared amongst users. This behavior does not match real browsers, and doesn’t support SSL session tracking.
- What does this exactly mean ? Are tests done with Gatling realistic ? Does it only concerns HTTPS or is HTTP also concerned ?
- In JMeter except for Java Impl, every user has his own connection.- Regarding the Performances of Gatling, there is something I don’t really understand. It is said that the fact that you don’t follow 1 User == 1 Thread, performances are better. But what I don’t understand is how in this case do you mimic really parallel users. Looking at Gatling code, I understand it uses AKKA scheduler which will trigger next action for simulated user , but will this model work fine once multiple Threads starts processing response data and extract some content ? Will this really mimic parallel users ? Also from some tests I made using JSON path, CPU was rather high with 300 Users. I compared with JMeter and CPU was nearly at the same level.
- Is Gatling really made for complex scenario testing or more for basic tests ? All tests that are shown don’t often extract data from response ?
- Reading release notes, I see a lot of changes in method names, other elements. So there is something that frighten me regarding the tests I would start writing. Can we consider Gatling is in a stable state ? if not when will it be ?
- Regarding generated graph at end of test,what is the precision ? I mean how much point do you take and can this be configured ?