So I have to update my scenario anytime a javascript file, etc., is removed from or added to a page?

I’m new to Gatling. Previously we did load testing with CloudTest. I am not judging here, just asking a question…
CloudTest which acts as a browser and you write scripting to manipulate the DOM returned by the previous request and submit/click to trigger a new action. So you are basically scripting user actions in the UI.
For Gatling, I created a HAR file from Chrome, then used the Recorder to generate the simulation and scenarios. My question is: if/when someone enhances or refactors the tested page and adds or removes resources downloaded by the page, such as a new javascript file, if I want my scenario to remain absolutely true to the page being mimicked in Gatling, I need to know this so that I can add it to my scenario. Correct? No other way around it? If I don’t do this, then that is a little bit of load on the server grid that my scenario is not including. Even if static content is offloaded from the app server, it’s still being served up by a server in the grid and I want to test the entire grid in the most realistic way possible.

I’d appreciate any feedback on this and opinions people may have about this issue and my thought process, to help get me off on the right foot. Thanks!

That is correct.

In most normal scenarios, hosting for static asset files like javascript files are not a limiting factor for site capacity.

Gatling is a more low-level system that can generate a lot of load using comparatively little test server resources. If you want to run a full browser for each user (like CloudTest), you will require a great deal more test server resources. This is a trade-off.