Split scenario to separate scala files for login and different scenarios

Hi, we use scala gatling for some testing. Currently we have multiple scala files which containt 1 scenario each. This scenario is 90% the same. I’d like to split this part into a separate file and only append some some .execs to the login/setup part.

I’ve tried extending my login/setup scenario and adding the .exec in a separate file, but then it does not get run, only my login execs.

I have tried 2 scenarios, but then they do not share the session, which I need

| | | setUp(
  | | | | scnLogin.inject(atOnceUsers(users)).andThen(
  | | | | |scn.inject(atOnceUsers(users))
  | | | | )
  | | | ).protocols(httpProtocol)

In my master login file I defined only val login = exec().exec() and then called these steps in my scenarios like val scn = scenario(“xy”).exec(login).exec…