Urgently need help - Use proxy in Gatling script

Hi All,

I need to create a Gatling script for our application. The application can be accessed over the VPN client and with proxy URL configuration in browser as attached.

Now, when I tried to use the proxy in gatling script, I am getting below exception:

Request failed : j.n.UnknownHostException : http://xxxxx.pac

Gating script snipped

val httpConfig = http
.proxy(Proxy(“http://xxxx.pac”, 8080).httpsPort(8143).credentials(“username”,“password”)))

Also tried with below proxy settngs and got error

val httpConfig = http
.proxy(Proxy(“xxx.gxxxt.ngxxo.com”, 8080).httpsPort(8143).credentials(“username”,“password”)))

Error : j.n.ConnectionException: Connection Refused: no further information on xxx.gxxxt.ngxxo.com/10.xx.xx.xxx:8080