Can we use gatling-charts-highcharts to test an enterprise application for free?

I saw license agreement on github gatling-charts-highcharts but that was not clear.
here is my use case
I am planning an automated performance testing for an enterprise application using gatling-charts-highcharts dependency and gatling’s maven plugin but none of the modules from gatling or Highsoft are packaged in the application under test. Gatling will help us do Load testing for that application.
we are not planning to modifying any component of gatling or highsoft. we are planning to generate performance report and communicate across team. In this use case should we buy any license?
are there any other obligations ? like gatling usage should be explicitly mentioned in license while selling application under test , though it is not packaged in it


automated performance testing for an enterprise application

The whole purpose of gatling-core. So far so good! (even if we do not provide any help about automating the launch of the Gatling application, a service that we provide for our Gatling Enterprise Self Hosted or Cloud)

none of the modules […] are packaged in the application under test.

The distribution clause does not apply. So far so good! No need to mention Gatling in your application distribution.

to modifying any component of gatling or highsoft.

HighSoft’s component cannot be modified in any kind (the javascript module).
But we encourage to contribute (in open source) to Gatling itself!

we are planning to generate performance report and communicate across team. In this use case should we buy any license?

Legally, you don’t have to. I won’t hide that it will be a pleasure to have a new customer aboard, though!

Are there any other obligations?

Not that comes to mind even if mentioning Gatling with each screenshot from the report will be appreciated.

Reminder: Feel free to contribute in Gatling, report reproducible bugs, stay up to date.

And if you like Gatling, consider supporting us by becoming a customer of Gatling Enterprise.

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