Dockerize gatling using SBT help

Howdy All,
I am trying to dockerzie gatling with SBT. I am having some difficulties with my dockerfile, for an entrypoint I’ve added ‘sbt’ and ‘test’ and per my WORKDIR-> its my working directory of my gatling project. Does this seem reasonable or sort of the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.

BTW: still a docker newbie but ramping up .


Why You use SBT to dockerize gatling?
You can just dockerize Gutling bundel ,use bin/ script as entry point

Like here:

Thanks for the link Gregory. The reason I chose the SBT route i am getting the parameters: test(all simulations), testOnly , grabbing my dependencies, output report in junit xml style.


You can do this by dockerezed gatling bundel as well.