Here is the issue I think I have. I found whenever a server https redirect happens, the dynamic number returned from the server is lost. Currently I am using Gatling 1.5.6 and put .basicAuth(“usrename”, “password”) to every single https requests, but whenever a secure web request server redirect happens, Gatling seems forget the credential and lost the data. I am trying to put .basicAuth(“usrename”, “password”) at the protocol level, but got the error message as it is not supported.
First, I am not sure whether Gatling 1.5.6 support the authentication at the protocol level or not, if it is supported, I can simply add it and keep rolling. At the same thing, I am converting our Gatling 1.5.6 scripts to version 2.0 to take advantage of the supported protocol authentication at the protocol level in 2.0. However it is time consuming to convert the scripts and has other issues. Can anybody tell me whether Gatling 1.5.6 support the authentication at the protocol level and how to do it if it suports. Thank you.
No, it doesn’t.
One more argument in favor of migrating 
Hi, Stephane:
Now I upgraded all my Gatling and scripts to 2.0 which supports the authentication at the protocol level. I put ".basicAuth(…) in the http defination. However I still lost the dynamic ID returned from the server in the response message. I can see the response message in the log, I can find the new request information in the response message, but the unique product id which should be returned from the server at this secure http request is missing. If I do manually here, I can see that product id in IE developer tool, but I couldn’t find it in Gatling response message. The question is does Gatling will pass all the authentication information when it does a redirection for https request? Is that possible Gatling lost the credential of the https when do redirection? If the problem is not redirection, is there any other issue might prevent that from showing up in the response message? Thank you.
Best Regards
I don’t understand your problem.
basicAuth is a very simple authentication mechanism where credentials are passed along each request.
I have no idea what this “dynamic ID” you’re talking is about. Is it a cookie? Something in the response body? You’re talking about redirection, when does such a redirect happen and how is it related to basic auth?