🗞️ Gat. Community recap #1 🗞️

Imagine a place where you could ask your Gatling questions, step up your testing game and discuss with the Gatling crew all at once. Oh wait, you’re already a Gatling Community member aren’t you? You seem to be a person of culture.:smirk: Then, let’s make sure you didn’t miss any key topic of these past two months!

:one:If you’re new to Gatling, or still unsure about the correlation between users and requests when running a Gatling test, we can help! Read this topic to know how Gatling injection works and make sure your users’ knowledge is top-notch to prepare for your future tests!
:newspaper: Question regarding rampusers and constantusers

:two:Your Gatling Enterprise tests crash from time to time but you don’t know why. If you find a TimeoutException error in your logs, check out this topic to get some tips and find the issue!
:newspaper: Error: "At offset=3230, failed to received stats for injectors List ..."

:three: Gatling allows you to add assertions to other metrics than response time. Use acceptance criteria to check the HTTP responses’ status and make sure your test’s execution is a success.
:newspaper: Assertion on the HTTP status code

Of course, what would a Community be without users? We’d like to thank our top Community contributors of the month: @GeMi, @reschrei and @selva4 !

Just like them, become a first-rate load tester by sharing knowledge with other users. :handshake:

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