[Gatling 2] SSL through proxy - bug?

Hi there,

I believe there is a bug in gatling 2 master when performing https requests through a proxy.

I’ve run the tests through charles (using an external proxy in charles - crazy setup…) and it turns out, gatling sends the following request:

POST https://mysite.com/post/api/private/passwordauth HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.com

It should have looked like this:

POST /post/api/private/passwordauth HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.com

Anyone else seen this?


Hi Stefan,

I’ll have a look as soon as I can (pretty busy at the moment, sorry).



Hi Stefan,

I was able to reproduce, and I agree that’s a bug (sadly in AHC).

Actually, there’s a config property in AHC for enabling relative uris when talking to an SSL proxy.
If the behavior has changed, it might be that I clean up that code and accidentally fixed it (sic).

It’s disabled by default (will have to talk with other AHC committers to know why).
Sadly, it’s not exposed in gatling.conf… but the good news is that you can set it with a System property.

Until I get this fixed/decided, please add this line in your simulation (or add the property from the command line)

System.setProperty(“com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.useRelativeURIsWithSSLProxies”, “true”)



Prop exposed in gatling.conf: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/issues/1546
Still default to false for now.

Great stuff! Solves my issue. Thanks!


Cool. I’ll maybe decide to have this behavior the default, still waiting for feedback from Jean-François Arcand.