Gatling JMS test won't exit after finished

i create a gatling-highcharts-maven-archetype maven project in eclipse;
i want to test Activemq。
i run the test in eclipse, but when it’s finished the Engine can’t be exit.

i found there is a activemq transport thread is still running. what should i write the code to finished it.

here is the properties:








the test code:

class TestJms extends Simulation {

val jmsConfig = jms



.credentials(“admin”, “admin”)





val scn = scenario(“JMS DSL test”).repeat(1) {

exec(jms(“jms testing”).reqreply



.textMessage(“gatling du du du …”))


setUp(scn.inject(constantUsersPerSec(10) during(10 seconds))).protocols(jmsConfig)




2016-02-05 16:26:19 0s elapsed

---- JMS DSL test --------------------------------------------------------------


waiting: 100 / active: 0 / done:0

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=0 KO=0 )



2016-02-05 16:26:24 5s elapsed

---- JMS DSL test --------------------------------------------------------------

[####################################- ] 49%

waiting: 50 / active: 1 / done:49

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=49 KO=0 )

aps testing (OK=49 KO=0 )



2016-02-05 16:26:29 10s elapsed

---- JMS DSL test --------------------------------------------------------------

[#########################################################################-] 99%

waiting: 0 / active: 1 / done:99

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=99 KO=0 )

aps testing (OK=99 KO=0 )



2016-02-05 16:26:29 10s elapsed

---- JMS DSL test --------------------------------------------------------------


waiting: 0 / active: 0 / done:100

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=100 KO=0 )

aps testing (OK=100 KO=0 )


Simulation finished

16:26:29.373 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.377 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.378 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.382 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.383 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.386 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.387 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.389 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.391 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

16:26:29.392 [ERROR] i.g.j.JmsReqReplyAction - java.lang.InterruptedException

Parsing log file(s)…

Parsing log file(s) done

Generating reports…


---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------

request count 100 (OK=100 KO=0 )

min response time 53 (OK=53 KO=- )

max response time 124 (OK=124 KO=- )

mean response time 75 (OK=75 KO=- )

std deviation 18 (OK=18 KO=- )

response time 50th percentile 85 (OK=85 KO=- )

response time 75th percentile 88 (OK=88 KO=- )

mean requests/sec 9.985 (OK=9.985 KO=- )

---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------

t < 800 ms 100 (100%)

800 ms < t < 1200 ms 0 ( 0%)

t > 1200 ms 0 ( 0%)

failed 0 ( 0%)


and why there are several InterruptedException.
did i describe it clearly…

Could you share a reproducer/sample app, please?

like this? it’s a simple maven eclipse project. When the simulation is finished, the app can’t exit. (284 KB)

Sorry, I meant a target app sample too so I can reproduce.