Gatling-maven-plugin4.12.2 and gatling.conf

graphite {
light = false # only send the all* stats
host = “localhost” # The host where the Carbon server is located
port = 2003 # The port to which the Carbon server listens to (2003 is default for plaintext, 2004 is default for pickle)
protocol = “tcp” # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : “tcp”, “udp”)
database = “gatling” # The target database name in InfluxDB
rootPathPrefix = “gatling”
This does not work in gatling.conf and is not written to influxdb

This change is unrelated to the gatling-maven-plugin version. The Graphite integration was dropped in Gatling 3.12, see the release note: What's new in Gatling 3.12

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