Getting time out though increased time outs in gatling.conf and script is failing

Hi all,

Getting this error
17:00:36.052 [WARN ] i.g.h.a.AsyncHandlerActor - Request ‘Offers’ failed: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request timed out to tcs-hob-sir-env02/ of 60000 ms

amidst running a script for one transaction. Am using gatling-charts-highcharts-2.0.0-RC4.

So, i increased time outs in gatling.conf respectively:
#connectionTimeout = 120000 # Timeout when establishing a connection
#pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = 120000 # Timeout when a connection stays unused in the pool
#requestTimeout = 120000 # Timeout of the requests
#webSocketTimeout = 120000 # Timeout when a used websocket connection stays idle

But am getting the same error while running the script.

Please help in resolving this issue.

Thanks and Regards,

"If you want to override default values, you have two possibilities:

  • change the value in gatling.conf (don’t forget to uncomment the line and remove the #).
  • set a System property (the name of the property must match HOCON Path)"