I am running gatling 1.5 in intelliJ 12.1.6
I replace gatling.conf with an application.conf file so that I could externalize some environment variable for my tests.
so I now have the following IDEPathHelper.scala:
import scala.tools.nsc.io.File
import scala.tools.nsc.io.Path.string2path
object IDEPathHelper {
val gatlingConfUrl = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(“application.conf”).getPath
val projectRootDir = File(gatlingConfUrl).parents(2)
val mavenSourcesDirectory = projectRootDir / “src” / “test” / “scala”
val mavenResourcesDirectory = projectRootDir / “src” / “test” / “resources”
val mavenTargetDirectory = projectRootDir / “target”
val mavenBinariesDirectory = mavenTargetDirectory / “test-classes”
val dataDirectory = mavenResourcesDirectory / “data”
val requestBodiesDirectory = mavenResourcesDirectory / “request-bodies”
val recorderOutputDirectory = mavenSourcesDirectory
val resultsDirectory = mavenTargetDirectory / “results”
I want to change some gatling configuration value like using Apache instead of Netty and also change the number of retry value.
How do I get gatling.conf loaded? How are the default value run? Can I merge the 2 config file?
Note: I tried merging the 2 files but it didn’t work!!
Any help is much appreciated
I am running gatling 1.5 in intelliJ 12.1.6
I replace gatling.conf with an application.conf file so that I could
externalize some environment variable for my tests.
I don't get you here. Could you explain, please?
so I now have the following IDEPathHelper.scala:
import scala.tools.nsc.io.File
import scala.tools.nsc.io.Path.string2path
object IDEPathHelper {
val gatlingConfUrl =
val projectRootDir = File(gatlingConfUrl).parents(2)
val mavenSourcesDirectory = projectRootDir / "src" / "test" / "scala"
val mavenResourcesDirectory = projectRootDir / "src" / "test" /
val mavenTargetDirectory = projectRootDir / "target"
val mavenBinariesDirectory = mavenTargetDirectory / "test-classes"
val dataDirectory = mavenResourcesDirectory / "data"
val requestBodiesDirectory = mavenResourcesDirectory / "request-bodies"
val recorderOutputDirectory = mavenSourcesDirectory
val resultsDirectory = mavenTargetDirectory / "results"
I want to change some gatling configuration value like using Apache
instead of Netty
You'll be on your own then, we've never tested Gatling with HttpComponent
3, and its support in async-http-client 2 is dropped.
HttpComponent 3 is old stuff anyway and can't compete with HttpComponent 4,
which is not supported at all.