How to use Gatling to inject SQL Scripts into Oracle DB

How to use Gatling to inject SQL Scripts into Oracle DB for stress test?

Have you checked the official documentation page about community extensions?

Please note that third party extensions are not maintained here, so if you need help with them, you’ll have to directly ask to the relevant project.

Apart from third parties extensions, Is there any other official plugin for DB stress testing like we have recorder.bat UI for testing http web sites or any other thing? Because those 3rd plugins are maintained regularly and I am not sure that I will get enough support if I get struck to implement it. And there is no proper document of installing it.

No there isn’t but contributions welcome - I thnk :wink:

Because those 3rd plugins are maintained regularly

This third party in particular has been actively maintained for 3 years since its inception.

I am not sure that I will get enough support if I get struck to implement it

What do you mean by support? Commercial support or free help from community members?

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