We have a simulation that simulates a lot of different transactions. Some of those transactions need to be capped at a certain incoming rate because they push data to an upstream system that can not handle heavy load. Most of the rest can be scaled up quite high (by comparison) before there is an issue.
I’m trying to set a target requests per second, and then do the math to ensure that the capped transactions stay appropriately capped, and scale up everything else to fill the difference.
What I did was divided the scenario into two parts, two scenarios, and I put a .throttle on each. The reachRps() on the one is hard-coded to the value that corresponds to the maximum we should allow through that scenario, and the other scenario is set to reachRps() of the target rate minus the rate of the first scenario.
To make things concrete, one scenario wants to reach 1 rps, the other wants to reach 9 rps. Both scenarios are launching 100 users (each) and have a .during() loop in the middle of 10 minutes plus the ramp time.
My expectation is that the throttling will result in an average of 10 requests per second, one of which will belong to one scenario, the rest will belong to the other scenario. In actuality, the requests from the smaller throttled scenario did not even start happening until approximately after the holdFor() was completed (give or take).
For reference, I am running Gatling 2.0.1. I have attached the simulation.log, so you can generate the reports and see what happened. Here is my scenario setup:
val numUsers = java.lang.Integer.getInteger(“users”,1).toInt
val rampTime = if ( numUsers == 1 ) 0 else numUsers / 2
val duration = Duration( java.lang.Long.getLong(“duration”,30L), “seconds” ) + rampTime
val maxDuration = duration + rampTime + 300
val typicalSurveyRate = 1 // requests per second
val peakSurveyRate = 3
val targetSurveyRate = typicalSurveyRate
val typicalTotalRate = 2
val peakTotalRate = 30
val targetRate = 10
println( "NUM_USERS = " + numUsers ) // 100
println( "RAMP_TIME = " + rampTime ) // 50
println( "DURATION = " + duration ) // 650
println( "MAX_DURATION = " + maxDuration ) // 1000
surveys.inject( rampUsers( numUsers ) over ( rampTime ) )
reachRps( targetSurveyRate ) in ( rampTime ),
holdFor( maxDuration )
everythingElse.inject( rampUsers( numUsers ) over ( rampTime ) )
reachRps( targetRate - targetSurveyRate ) in ( rampTime ),
holdFor( maxDuration )
.maxDuration( maxDuration )
.protocols( httpConf )
simulation.log (1.09 MB)