Missing command-line options in Gatling 3.11+ bundles?

Gatling version: 3.12.0 (must be up to date)
Gatling flavor: [v] java kotlin scala javascript typescript
Gatling build tool: maven gradle sbt [v] bundle npm

[v] I read the guidelines and how to ask a question topics.

I have been tasked with upgrading our internal Gatling support to include Gatling 3.12.0. Up until 3.10.4, we have been using the gatling.sh script’s command-line options of -rf, -rsf, -sf, and -s to specify non-default directories for reports, resources, simulation, as well as the simulation name. However, when it comes to the new maven-wrapper based bundle, I don’t see any documentation on how to pass that information onto Gatling. The exception is --simulation command-line option for the maven wrapper. I’ve been looking for the documentation and I am not seeing it in upgrade guide. What am I missing?

I referenced Google’s Gemini which recommended changing the gatling.conf file by creating setting variables called ‘dataDirectory’ and ‘reportsDirectory’ inside gatling dictionary, and ‘simulation’ inside of a newly created gatling.core.directory, but neither seemed to work.

I’ve noted that the gatling.conf explicitly states that all settings that are configurable for Gatling are present in the file with the default values. Directory paths do not seem to one of the configurable settings.

Based on Gemini’s suggestions, these are my modifications that failed to work:
gatling {
dataDirectory = “/home/sadlo/custom_dir/resources”
resultsDirectory = “/home/sadlo/custom_dir/results”
core {
directory {
simulations = “/home/sadlo/custom_dir/simulations”

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