I am a newbie to Gatling. I have created a Maven Gatling project in Eclipse. I would like to run Gatling recorder from eclipse, but I can’t really figure out how to do that…even after reading all the documentation and searching around in past few days, I can’t find a clear instruction on how to do it… So I need a help from here.
Below steps is what I have done so far,
- Win 7
- Eclipse version : Mars 4.5
- Installed Scala IDE 4.3
- Installed Maven Integration for Scala IDE 0.5.1
- Installed Scala 2.11.7
- Added Maven Remote Catalog in Eclipse for Gatling Archetype by using : http://repository.excilys.com/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml
- Replaced the pom.xml base on (http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|io.gatling.highcharts|gatling-highcharts-maven-archetype|2.2.0-M2|maven-archetype)
to update Gatling Archetype from 2.0.0.M3 to 2.2.0.M-2 - And replace the Engine.scala, IDEPathHelper.scala, Recorder.scala files from this site (https://github.com/gatling/gatling-maven/tree/gatling-maven-parent-2.1.1/gatling-highcharts-maven-archetype/src/main/scala)
after done these steps, I have tried to right click on scr/test/scala/Recorder.scala → Run As → (Run Configuration), there is no “Scala Application” option as I have seen many posts said to do. I know it’s either I have missed any steps or it will be done in different ways that I don’t know about it.
So please advise me how to trigger the Recorder UI from where I am now, and further settings need to be done. I have been googling and searching from youtube, however, I can’t find any tutorial that is for basic setting for newbie like me to start with.
Big thanks in advance~