Hello all !
I would like to know if it is possible to passing conf folder as a command line parameter to gatling.sh / gatling.bat ?
The aim is to separate the runtime (gatling bundle) from our specifics : gatling.conf and logback.xml are in our source repository, and I found no other way to use them when running gatling.bat / gatling.sh other than copying and pasting them to $GATLING_HOME/conf.
I can do it when running with maven but running with maven doesn’t seem like a good solution deployment wise (when gatling is on a remote machine, for example)
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance,
Thank you for this answer ! So I can set GATLING_CONF and it will not be overriden by gatling.sh.
But I believe this won’t work with gatling.bat :
So of course I can adapt gatling.bat but I’d rather not…
Good opportunity to contribute 
Fair enough 
Actually it’s just a matter of replacing line 41 in gatling.bat :
line 41 — : set GATLING_CONF="%GATLING_HOME%"\conf
line 41 +++ : if not defined GATLING_CONF set GATLING_CONF="%GATLING_HOME%"\conf
Then we will have exactly the same behavior as in gatling.sh, where GATLING_CONF is set only if it is not already set.
I can file a pull request if that’s better for you.