Saving response time (Min, max etc)


Gatling version: 3.5.0

Is there a way to save min, max of response time same as .check(responseTimeInMillis.saveAs(“responseTime”), status.saveAs(“responseStatus”)) and use it later?

Can anyone please help?

responseTimeInMillis is a check against the response time of a given request execution.

min and max are stats on a set of request execution so it has nothing to do with checks.

You don’t have access to real time metrics from the simulation.

Thanks St

True it has nothing to do with checks but we do get them in assertions as response time selectors
I am thinking… is it even possible to use this global.responseTime.max and same it.

No, assertions are evaluated once the test completes.

Same answer: you don’t have access to real time metrics from the simulation.

Okay, actually I am trying to store min, max average response time per request so we can create benchmark and and compare with other versions of our product, do you have any suggestions for the same?
Thanks in advance.